Serenade of Water on Piano (Not the simple version that you think it is)

Hey guys!

Many of us have played the awesomeness that is The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time. Some of the most memorable themes from the game are the songs used to warp to the temples. This song is used to warp to the Water Temple.
Why everybody hated it? I don’t know. I loved it and found the Dark Link battle awesome. I always like a challenge in game, hence my love for Rayman and wanting Dark Souls on PC.

Oh, sorry for straying. The original Serenade of Water is a very short song. From around 20 seconds, it went to a little more than 3 minutes. This arrangement was made by Gameqber, be sure to check him out!

The song was not too hard to play. To create the effect I just put the reverb up. Difficulty of the song is pretty easy, it’s more to have the right feel than anything else.

I thank Gameqber for this awesome song and I hope you guys enjoy my rendition of it!

Inception – Time – Piano Solo by Kyle Landry

Hey guys!
This week I’ll be sharing a piece played not by me, but by someone else. Most of us have heard of him, Kyle Landry.

Check out his channel for his works. He has some great renditions of well and unknown pieces. He even makes his own songs sometimes. Definetely one of the best guys on Youtube!

Enough of this great guy, time to talk about the song. The name of this song is “Time” from the Motion Picture “Inception”. The movie is and should seriously have been seen by anybody who watches movies. Leonardo DiCaprio at his best 😀

The song itself is very reminiscent of time – hence the name.  The piece has a nice progression till the climax at around 3:20. The piece itself is one I really wanna play later on! Seems like a very moving piece to play as it is to listen to.

Here’s the piece for you to judge yourself:

The sheet music from Kyle Landry directly

Minecraft OST – Calm 3 (Sweden)

I’m not dead!

I know I haven’t posted anything in a while, but I was busy with life. School restarted after holidays and they “took it up a notch”. (No pun intended.)
Also, I’ve been working on a gaming site, which has also made me tired a few times.

Wanted to upload a video last weekend, but wasn’t able to. Most likely there’ll be one up next weekend, but no promises!

Currently working on: Fi’s Lament, Gourmet Race, Dragon Roost Island (just started)… still looking for sheets for the other Minecraft songs.

Anywho, this video is an old video, Calm 3 (Sweden) from Minecraft. This isn’t the best rendition of it. I’m sure I could get a better recording if I tried and had the time, but yeah.

Please enjoy this newly posted old video 😛

For those who want the sheets, they can be found here amongst other video game sheet music!

P.S. … Just wanted to see if you’d read this.