Final Fantasy I – Prelude on Piano

Speak of the Devil…

I know, that was quite fast. Since I was in the mood for recording; I thought I’d upload this, as a “why not?” kind of thing 😛

This all started with me messing around with FF X’s Prelude, which I then fiddled around with until it was as close to Final Fantasy I’s prelude without searching for the actual sheets. Final Fantasy I and II: Dawn of Souls is what got me into the Final Fantasy frenzy, but I quit at FF IV, jumped back in for half of VIII, then left and came back for FFX. Now I’m gone from FF again; don’t ask me when I’ll return. Maybe I’ll play VII once it releases on Steam, to judge if it’s really as good (or bad) as everybody says…

You know what’s sad? I took about 5 years to beat Final Fantasy 1. I didn’t know that I had to go back to the Chaos Temple after having gotten all 4 Crystals, instead I was in the “Waterfall dungeon” or whatever, with 50 floors; manage to go through all of them twice. Suffice it to say: Chaos was a huge joke 😛

Anyways, enjoy the video:

For River (Johnny’s Version) – To the Moon

Yes! ’bout time I’ve posted another cover of Video Game Music 🙂
What better track than this to kick it off?

To the Moon has a great soundtrack. It *can* be debated if it’s a video game, but it’s story is really what reels one in.

Played it about a month or two ago, was instantly hooked on this song.

I haven’t gotten much more to say, besides that I’d like to thank Steven for recommending me this great game 😀
Soo, thanks!

Skyrim Cover by Lindsey Stomp – One Voice, One Violin

Now, the video that you will (yes, not might, will) listen to below is sure to send chills down the back of any gamers listening to do this.

As you can guess by the title, it’s the Skyrim Main theme on Violin with Vocals. Let’s get something clear, the cover is made up by one man’s voice, one Violin being played and 120 tracks. Yes, 1 2 0. All of this adds up to a song, sounding even better than the original.

The video with the cover is worth watching though. It’s actually very interesting… Kinda hard to say good parts about the video about spoiling anything seen. (No spoilers for the game itself mind you.)

To those out there who don’t have Skyrim at yet. Get it. Just do eet!

Enough babbling, here’s the song: